Case Studies
Sophia, Oliver and Alicia are pursuing three different goals, in the domains of sporting excellence, health, and midlife direction change, respectively.
You can evidence for their journeys through Motivation: The Manual – and their unique approaches to using it – in their personal manifestos (links below).

Sophia, 13
"I want to be a professional soccer player. I started playing in the garden with my dad, who used to be a pro player, when I was just 3 years old. A year later, he took me to coaching sessions at a semi-pro club. I was quickly invited to trials at an English Premier League club and I have been in the club’s academy ever since. I desperately want them to hand me a contract when I turn 16."
Here are Sophia's Personal Manifesto, Assessment, and Reflection: Steppingstones #77-79

Oliver, 39
"I want to get in better physical and mental shape, by improving my diet and exercising more often. When I was 22, I embarked on a global investment bank's graduate scheme and quickly progressed up the career ladder before meeting my wife six years later. Now, 11 years on, after too much sitting at a desk, snacking on processed foods, and being constantly sleep-deprived (parenthood!), I am overweight, prediabetic and feel low. Something needs to change."
Here are Oliver's Personal Manifesto, Assessment, and Reflection: Steppingstones #77-79

Alicia, 51
"I want to write a book on well-being. I am a mother of two children and I've been working as a teacher for the past 20 years, I still enjoy it, but I want a second source of income to bolster my pension. To do this, I will need to be ruthless in my time management, organization, and self-discipline. I also appreciate that I may feel isolated while writing, so I need to keep an eye on my mental health."
Here are Alicia's Personal Manifesto, Assessment, and Reflection: Steppingstones #77-79