The Book
The images and quotes below provide a snapshot of the contents of Motivation: The Manual. If this piques your interest, then please click the button below, which will take you through to the Amazon series page...

Goal Setting: A Rethink
"Goal setting is simultaneously overrated, underrated, overused, underused, and misused. There are many reasons for this, one of which is a common misunderstanding of the process and how it works."

Conceptual Cornerstones
"One of the aims of this manual is to continually reinforce the neural connection between your current behaviors and long-term rewards."

The WHAT and the WHY: Your DREAM Goal
"...if everything has gone according to the plans you lay down in this manual, what will the result look and feel like?"

Know Thyself Part #1: Your Personality and Proclivities
"My aim for this section is to increase your awareness of 19 personality characteristics that I believe are relevant to your DREAM Goal pursuit."

Know Thyself Part #2: Your Capabilities
" will not become the 100-meter world record holder if you don’t have enough fast-twitch fibers in your hamstrings."

Know Thyself Part #3: Your Habits
"The aim of this section is for you to identify Helpful and Hindering Habits that are relevant to your goal, to become more aware of the subconscious processes that drive them..."

Opportunities in Your Social and Physical Environments
“...the 'herd mentality' is strong: We want to fit in with others, and so we behave accordingly."

Pulling the Threads Together: Your Reflective Motivation
"if we have successfully done something before...we are more likely to feel confident about doing it again...."

Maintaining Momentum
"I don’t want your journey to end here, so
I have created a set of additional Steppingstones that will help you to monitor and manage your progress...."